
Thursday, March 14, 2013

My intro

Well hello there …
This blog is dedicated to my adventures as an amateur (hence my tagline). Amateur in all sorts of lovely titles as you will come to find out.
 On my free time I love capturing lifestyle photos. You will soon see that my main passion is Photography. The main focus in this blog will be to take you along behind the scenes and share the smiles, laughs, and memories I make with my clients.
I work full time and I am a full time Mommy, those two things along with the other occupants of my life take up the majority of my time, but during my free time I like to consider myself an enthusiast of all things fun and whimsical. I would dare to say girly but these days I find myself making monster cupcakes and wishing I was making princess ones too (maybe one day)

Being a Mom has ignited a fire in me to work even harder and to be the best mom I can be (DON’T US ALL). Sometimes that means epic fails or great success (80% fail 20% success lol) in exploring my creatively in the kitchen to my hot glue gun obsession. I usually love to document these endeavors (follow me on InstaGram)

love Rie`

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