
Monday, June 3, 2013

Instagram Love

Insta love

Hello, my name is Rita and I have a problem… I have a slight; make that a major obsession with instagram!
Since I love snapping pics (mainly of my son) it is so easy for me to pull out my phone and take pictures and upload them to instagram in a matter of seconds. So I figured that every so often I would do a weekly ig round up.

p.s you should just give me a follow on

My username is rierun11 (wink wink )

Brace yourself, crazy mom shoving her cute kid in your face in  5…

I'm his mamarazzi 

Now that the weather is getting warmer we love going to the beach. This child of mine is obsessed with all seasons; summer he loves the beach, winter he loves the snow, spring time he loves the park you name it he loves it. Since its summer where we live now the majority of pictures clogging my instagram page are “Julez at the beach” pics

… and what better “pick me up” on a hot day than Rita’s. Besides their fabulous name the mango and lemon ice favors are ah-mazing

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