Thursday, December 26, 2013

Thank you

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I just wanted to write  a quick post to thank you all for stopping by and visiting this blog! It wasn’t too long ago I started posting on here  and I am literally  just so happy to have my page viewed. If you are reading this now, thank you for just stopping by, whether you are here to look at my pictures or you just stopped here on accident, I appreciate you! I will continue to post more in 2014 both random style blogs and God willing more photography. Stay tuned for more randomness and silliness from yours truly!

Happy holidays and may 2014 be a year of health & happiness, a year of wealth & Wisdom, a year of peace & prosperity, and a year of love & and most importantly, laughter for us all .

Remember life is short
Spend it with people who hold you high
Break the rules
Forgive quickly
Love truly
Laugh uncontrollably
Never regret anything that made you smile!

I leave you with… what else? Pictures of the person this blog is named after, my world, my boy!

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